Business & Finance Homework


Please read the business law case “Smith v. Van Gorkom ” and finish this model below follow the sampleDo not write a paper.


CASE Model

1. Facts: Provide a concise overview of the key facts of the case.

2. Issue: Identify the key legal issue(s) in the case.

3. Held: Indicate how the case was decided. Note that the case may have moved from trial to appeal and then possibly to the Supreme Court of Canada (or other top court). If possible please set out how the case was decided at each level of court.

4. Reasons: Set out the key reasons for the decision of the court. Note that in some cases the reasons are extensive. Please summarize such as concisely as possible focusing on what you believe are the critical reasons for the decision.

5. Ratio: Provide the ratio [the key legal principle(s)] that comes out of the case.

6. Comments: Provide your own personal comments or perspective on the case


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