Community Nursing Diagnosis Template
Student Name: __ ____________________Date:__11/26/23______________________
Nursing Diagnosis Instructions: Here you want to identify the problem or health risk faced by your community. This is NOT an individual patient diagnosis, but one that encompasses a community of people. These diagnoses, however, are NANDA-based.
For example: If your community health project is focused on proper hand hygiene to combat the spread of COVID-19, then “Risk for infection” would be a good community diagnosis to correlate with your project.
Here are some other commonly used ones: Knowledge Deficit Ineffective Health Maintenance Ineffective Coping Ineffective community coping Deficient community health Readiness for enhanced community coping Readiness for enhanced health literacy Readiness for enhanced self-care Ineffective health management Readiness for effective health management Risk-prone health behavior Risk for…
*Please utilize provided NANDA Nursing Diagnosis list located in the assessment instructions to guide your selection.
*Please see the website below for more about nursing diagnoses.
*Please see the website below for more about community nursing diagnoses.
Selected Community “ Nursing Diagnosis ” section of diagnosis statement: Knowledge Deficit
Among Section Instructions: Here you want to identify the specific community client with whom you will be working in relation to the identified and stated problem.
For example: If you are teaching 1st grade students at a local elementary school, “school-aged children of Lake County” would be a good example of the community population you are trying to aid in.
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“ Among ” section of diagnosis statement: I will be working with the senior citizens residents in Fulton County
Related Factors instructions: Here you will describe the characteristics of the community identified during the assessment phase. These may include motivation, knowledge, and skills of the community and its environment. Environmental characteristics include physical, cultural, psychosocial, and political characteristics.
Some of the identified characteristics may be strengths that you will build on to address the problem, while others contribute to the identified problem. List all possible related factors. You will select one of these factors for your nursing diagnosis statement.
For example: Some age-related items you might find: If working with first graders they are working at a disadvantage of an age-related knowledge deficit. If working with high school students are known to partake in risk taking behaviors. Cultural barriers may exist creating a barrier to seeking healthcare.
All Related Factors:
Limited access to healthcare educational resources Barriers to obtaining information Not knowing how to utilize the internet
“ related to ” section of diagnosis statement: Inadequate knowledge of community support and resources
Evidence Section Instructions: In this section display the data and supporting items you have found that support your selected community nursing diagnosis. Data included should speak towards the community’s strengths and weaknesses found that correlate. Data needs to be cited correctly and references provided.
For example: Strengths: The area boasts 32 fitness centers and gyms, several of which are low or no cost to those who qualify (MN Chamber of Commerce, 2022). The Mayo Clinic is nationally ranked in 14 specialties and is the number 1 hospital, ranked by US News and World Report (2023).
Weaknesses: – Minnesota is one of the coldest regions in the United States of America with an average daily high temperature of only 12 degrees in winter months (Weather Spark, 2021). -Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in Smith County (Minnesota Department of Health, 2021). -84 fast-food restaurants in the city limits as of 2022, an increase of 22% from 2021 (Business World, 2021). -The child obesity rate is 15.4% (Minnesota department of Health, 2022).
All topic specific evidence supporting the selected community nursing diagnosis: Strengths:
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10.6% people without insurance (U.S. Census Bureau Quickfacts, 2022) Without count urgent care, there is 43 hospital facilities (Hospital Community Facilities, 2021) Weaknesses: Cardiovascular disease is the top three leading cause of mortality (Environmental Scan_Public Health,2021) There are only four senior multipurpose facilities (Senior Centers, n.d.)
“ as evidenced by ” section of diagnosis statement: This section is not needed for a “risk of” diagnosis. Community members’ inquiries about a certain topic
Diagnosis Statement Instructions: Here you will combine the information from “risk of”, “among“, “related to” and “evidenced by” to form a full nursing diagnosis statement. Make sure that the diagnosis addresses the problem at the community level – this distinguishes it from nursing diagnosis inspired by individual patients. Note that “risk for” diagnoses don’t need evidence, as the event has not yet occurred, it’s just a risk.
For example:
Risk of infection, among adolescents living in Willard, MO, related to knowledge deficit on communicable disease transmission.
Knowledge deficit among adolescents in Willard, MO, related to proper handwashing as evidenced by increased school absences for flu in October 2022.
Full Community Nursing Diagnosis Statement:
Knowledge deficit among senior citizen in Fulton county, GA, related to inadequate knowledge of community support and resources as evidenced by community members’ inquiries about a certain topic
SMART Goal Instructions: Here you will create the goals that your community project will address. You need to develop a minimum of 2 short-term goals and 1 long-term goal.
You will discuss how you measured the achievement of these goals in your week 6 paper.
These need to be in a SMART Goal Format: This means they need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
The 2 short-term goals need to be evaluated by you while you are on site for your clinical project. These short-term goals should be items that your learner can verbalize or demonstrate immediately after the education session to evaluate that learning has occurred.
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Short-term goal example: After the completion of the education session, students will verbalize 3 healthy snack options.
The long-term goal should be something that can be evaluated in the future to show measurable success after this education session has been provided. Long term goal example: In 6 months after the education session, the elementary school will note a decrease in COVID-19 positive cases by 10%.
Here is a resource to help you develop your SMART goals: resources/_files/performance-appraisal/How%20to%20write%20SMART%20Goals%20v2.pdf
Short term SMART goal #1: After the completion of the education session, the residents will verbalize signs and symptoms of a stroke and appropriate steps needed to take after
Short term SMART goal #2: After the completion of the education session, seniors will verbalize risk factors and prevention for a stroke
Long term SMART goal #1: In 6 months after the education session, seniors will find healthcare resources on their own
Mid-Course Project Connection:
1. Please discuss in detail your lesson plans and how you will implement this project. (350 words)
“The chance of having a stroke about doubles every 10 years after age 55” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023), which is why I choose stroke as my topic to bring awareness to the age group. I plan on covers a variety of strategies, such as interactions with community groups, environmental improvements, and awareness. The initiative aims to improve the general state of health of seniors in the community and encourage longevity. For my lesson I plan of using PowerPoint. Before staring I would ask if they knew what a stroke was. The second slide will have the definition of a stroke, then I would ask the residents to raise their hands if they had a stroke or know someone affected by one. The third slide will have the types of strokes and causes. The slide will also include a link to a YouTube “Understanding the Different Types of Strokes | 3D Animation”, by Doctor Pauline Moy, a two minute video review what I already mentioned. The video was uploaded a month ago, so I know it has updated information. The fourth slide will have the risk factors and prevention. The fifth slide will include the signs of a stroke with the acronym F.A.S.T. I will also include a link to a YouTube video on the fifth slide, “Know the warning signs of stroke” by Ascension Via Christi. It’s an animated
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video with a song for the acronym F.A.S.T.. Acronym F.A.S.T. helps individuals remember; F is for face drooping, A is for arm weakness/numbness, S is for speech difficulty, and T is for time to call 911. There are other signs of stroke that I will also mention and have in my slides. I would like to have scenarios with animated photos as the sixth slides. I will have the residents identify on a paper if the cartoon character is having a stroke or not using the acronym. After we will review the scenarios together. As my last slide I will have treatments and recovery process. I will also include a tri- fold brochure, that the residents can take with them. The brochure will have simple acronym the senior can remember. I will be providing community resources to my tri-fold brochure.
2. What progress you have made so far in meeting your goals/objectives. Describe what you have done so far and what is left to do. (200 words) Although the project is currently in its early stages the initial meeting with my liaison has been productive. During our meeting she provided a few suggestions to improve my objectives. She also offered some insight on the residents mentioning different ways to keeping them engaged with the presentation. To achieve one of my goals and improve the community, I would like to establish another partnership with the senior centers or one of the forty-three healthcare facilities in the community. I’m hoping to have a lasting impact with the senior residents as I help to create more access and opportunities for them to pursue healthcare education on their own. I look forward to seeing the fruits of my labor when my partnership is successful. My responsibility is to keep working hard to achieve the goals and objectives, keeping a close eye on things, and adjusting as needed in response to input of key stakeholders in the community and seniors. I know through the use of scientifically supported treatments and assessments I can help initiate a way to improve awareness and encourage longevity. Assessments conducted before and after the course will demonstrate that participants’ awareness and the impact I created for the community.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, May 4). Know your risk for stroke. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
Environmental Scan_Public Health. Share Fulton. (2021).
Hospital Community Facilities. Fulton County, Georgia – Open Data. (2021).
Senior Centers. Fulton County Government. (n.d.).
U.S. Census Bureau Quickfacts: Fulton County, Georgia. (2022).
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