Discussion: Mission And Culture Statements

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Module Four Discussion Guidelines and Rubric

BUS 210 Module Four Discussion Guidelines and Rubric

Overview Your active participation in this discussion is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions will help you make meaningful

connections between the course content and the larger concepts of the course. These discussions give you a chance to express your own

thoughts, ask questions, and gain insight from your peers and instructor.

Directions For each discussion, you must create one initial postone initial postone initial postone initial post and follow up with one response postone response postone response postone response post.

For your initial postinitial postinitial postinitial post, do the following:

Write one sentence, phrase, or revision to add to the collaborative mission statement.

Complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.

For your response postresponse postresponse postresponse post, do the following:

Add a post that reflects on the experience of creating the mission statement.

Review the mission statement created by the other group, and describe how you think it represents the organization’s culture.

Complete your response post by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.

Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion


Module Four Discussion Rubric

CriteriaCriteriaCriteriaCriteria ExemplaryExemplaryExemplaryExemplary ProficientProficientProficientProficient NeedsNeedsNeedsNeeds

ImprovementImprovementImprovementImprovement Not EvidentNot EvidentNot EvidentNot Evident ValueValueValueValue

ComprehensionComprehensionComprehensionComprehension N/A Contributes a line to

the statement in the

assigned group and

uses adequate

organization and

detail (100%)

Contributes a line to

the statement in the

assigned group but

with some gaps in

organization and

detail (55%)

Does not contribute

a line to the

statement (0%)


TimelinessTimelinessTimelinessTimeliness N/A Submits initial post

on time (100%)

Submits initial post

one day late (55%)

Submits initial post

two or more days

late (0%)


EngagementEngagementEngagementEngagement Provides a relevant

and meaningful

response post with


explanation and

detail (100%)

Provides a relevant

response post with

some explanation

and detail (85%)

Provides a

somewhat relevant

response post with

some explanation

and detail (55%)

Provides a response

post that is generic

with little

explanation or detail





Writes posts that

are easily

understood, clear,

and concise using

proper citation

methods where

applicable with no

errors in citations


Writes posts that

are easily

understood using

proper citation

methods where

applicable with few

errors in citations


Writes posts that

are understandable

using proper citation

methods where

applicable with a

number of errors in

citations (55%)

Writes posts that

others are not able

to understand and

does not use proper

citation methods

where applicable



Total:Total:Total:Total: 100%


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