Please watch five PowerPoint files that give an overview of the legal systems of different five countries and complete five Journal articles based on their content and related materials. Each Journal article requires three pages (double-spaced, APA format).

Requirement of Journal Articles

Please watch five PowerPoint files that give an overview of the legal systems of different five countries and complete five Journal articles based on their content and related materials. Each Journal article requires three pages (double-spaced, APA format).



The three page journal on each PPT can be structured as you think best but should include the following:

1. Generally describe your reaction to, and evaluation of, the PPT.

2. In a few paragraphs summarize the most important things you learned about the legal system in that country?

3. Having watched the PPT, if you were to start doing business in that country what aspects of the legal system would you be most concerned about? Why?

4. Is there information about the legal system in that country that you would like to have but wasn’t provided in the PPT.


· Please add some of your own ideas and extended resources as appropriate to enrich the content of the journal article.

· Each journal article requires 3 pages, a total of five articles. The content of all articles cannot exceed 15 pages, and please put them in one file.

· APA format, table of contents, and reference pages


Appendix – PPT Information

These five PPT files can be found in the attachment.


These PPTs will provide an overview of the legal system in countries with which Canada trades significantly. These presentations should explain particular legal risks when doing business with that country.


These PPTs is about the legal system of these five countries below:

· Portugal

· Australia

· Norway

· Argentina

· Indonesia


Each PPT will include these contents below (This is also an important scoring criterion for these PPTs)


Your team has been hired as consultants by the ABC Manufacturing Company, a successful Canadian company. ABC is planning to open a factory in (your team’s country). The CEO is very nervous about the legal system in that country and asks you to provide a ppt describing the legal system of that country.


• Provide a brief overview of the modern legal system in that country.

• Describe the basis of the legal system (i.e. is it a civil law, common law or another system of law).

• Provide a brief history of the development of the legal system in that country.

• Provide an understanding of the court structure and processes (i.e. where is a case first heard, where is it appealed, what are key procedural rules etc.)

• Are there particular cultural influences on the legal system (i.e. the perspective of a contract varies in different cultures)?

• Does the Constitution of the particular country impact business law?

• Are there key pieces of legislation that impact international companies doing business in that country?

• Are there key rules surrounding contracts in that country that Business students should be aware of?

• How does that particular country protect intellectual property?

• How is employment law different in that country?

• Provide an overview of the key legal risks when doing business with that country.


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