Purpose of Assignment: To differentiate between substance abuse and addiction disorders by demonstrating an understanding of the disease processes and providing an educational tool for client and family.

Purpose of Assignment: To differentiate between substance abuse and addiction disorders by demonstrating an understanding of the disease processes and providing an educational tool for client and family.



Select a substance abuse disorder to create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to educate a client and/or family member regarding the disorder. You may select from the following:

· Alcohol

· Inhalants

· Caffeine

· Hallucinogenic

· Stimulants

· Opioids

· Sedatives

· Cannabis

· Tobacco


The goal of the FAQ is to provide answers to frequently asked questions and to help an individual understand the following:

· Describe signs and symptoms (behavioral and physical) of addiction

· Signs and symptoms of the selected substance abuse disorder

· Available treatment/therapy options

· Resources for the client and individual family members

· Interventions/actions to help individual family member with the disorder

· Reference list for any sources used for the creation of the FAQ


The FAQ should be written in such a way that the client and family members can easily understand the provided information. Resources from local community should be provided, research support offered near you.



· Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

· Logical, original and insightful

· Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format

· Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission


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