Research Ethics and Article Critique

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Grades Research Ethics and Article Critique

Visit the NU Library. Locate a qualitative peer-reviewed article that relates to your research interest. Then, write a critique of the article incorporating the concepts learned in this course.

Using complete paragraphs and APA formatting, identify and explain the following:

  • Introduction – Write an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement and background information about the problem.
  • Problem statement – Use the scripted statement from Week 1 to identify and analyze the stated problem for completeness.
  • Purpose of the study – Use the purpose statement to identify possible weaknesses in the stated purpose.
  • Research question – Remember that qualitative research questions are how or why queries.
  • Methodology and design – Explain why the qualitative method was best for this investigation and rationalize why other designs would not be appropriate. Identify the chosen design and why other designs would not work.
  • Research ethics – Based on your progress with the CITI modules and assigned readings, identify ethical considerations associated with qualitative research and proffer solutions or processes to minimize risk to participants that the article does not address.
  • Analysis – Comprehensively analyze the research data collection and analysis procedures. Be sure to support each element of your analysis with scholarly sources that explain these procedures were the most appropriate for each study.
  • Other procedures – Discuss other data collection and analysis procedures that could have also worked for the study based on research regarding data collection and analysis procedures.
  • Conclusion – Conclude with an assessment of the overall quality of the article.

Length: 3 pages

Your critique should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Due on Oct 28, 2023, 3:00PM



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