Respond to these discussion post below by offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions.
200 words. APA format. 2 intext citation 2 reference each post
The cost-benefit analysis for legislators to repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), especially during reelection periods, lies with what organizations and lobby groups they can please the most to gain money towards being reelected. Milstead and Short put it very shortly, saying, “Policymakers are not necessarily focused on how real people will be affected by changes to Obamacare or Medicare and Medicaid but rather on how changes will affect their own reelection chances” (Milstead & Short, 2017). What they are saying is that policymakers and legislators are professionals and that they will do and change things in order to hold onto their careers. We have an interesting political system where people are allowed to be career politicians, where their job is to be a politician and be elected and reelected seemingly as many times as possible. So, in regards to cost-benefit analysis, it is how they can make changes and agree to what their prospective party and interested lobby groups want so that they can be guaranteed money to go towards their reelection campaign. The dual party layout of the US government being either Republican or Democrat is also an interesting prospect of US politics. The two parties are always in the running to try and gain a majority either in the House or the Senate so that they can make laws and policies that appeal to their prospective “people” and party members. The ACA is a perfect example of this where even though none of the republican politicians signed the law it was still able to pass because of the democratic majority in the branches (Walden University, 2018).
The voter’s view in the mindset of a politician comes down to which side, either for or against, of the lobby group holding the politician’s purse is on. All political issues have multiple sides to them, and in the USA, it boils down to Republican and Democrat views mostly. Using the legalization of marijuana as an example, there are many people in favor and many people against its legalization, and it was very obvious that it was a polarizing issue. This issue is also responsible for an increase in voter turnout and an increase in lobbying campaigns either for or against it (Ornstein & Glantz, 2020). This led to politicians having to choose a side based on how they would be perceived by the lobby groups as well as individual voters because of the individual voter interest and involvement in this issue.
Nurse informaticists play a central role in effectively running healthcare facilities and the healthcare system. Nurse informaticists usually deal with the aggregation of patient data and labeling the data in a manner that is useful for all healthcare professionals in the institution (Mitchell, 2018). The information provided by nurse informaticists is used to develop complete profiles of patients to facilitate the provision of patient-focused healthcare services.
Open and honest interactions between nurse informaticists and other professionals promote a learning environment. It facilitates teamwork and collaboration in the workplace. In staff discussion forums, they will create strong working relationships that encourage support and accountability for each other. At the same time, the interactions help the professionals to improve their communication skills. Making the unit compact and loyal to the team enhances care delivery. For example, nurses realize that adopting communication technologies within the organization promotes quick and accurate information sharing, saving much time for patient care. According to Lorenzi (2019), for example, today, nurses are even using smartphone connections to stay in touch all the time. In the future, all professionals will need advanced technical skills to help them work using these continuously evolving communication systems.
The continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty will impact professional interactions by promoting the culture of adopting communication systems that facilitate the remote exchange of information among professionals
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