Sales Management & Strategy




Instructor Dr. Angelos Vouldis

Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required. An overall course total of 70

points is required to pass the course. Due dates and times are always in Geneva time.

Assessment Choose an assessment category

Description Due date and time

Weight of course total

Task 1.1: Sales & Marketing Assessment type: Discussion forum

Description: What the Roles and Responsibilities of a Sales and Marketing Team

02 Apr. 23



Task 1.2: Hiring a Salesman Assessment type: Discussion forum

Description: Develop some potential questions for an interview hiring a salesman

23 Apr. 23



Task 1.3: Sales Pitch Assessment type: Written assignment

Description: Students will deliver a compelling sales pitch for a product or service

07 May. 23





Main task

Students will deliver a compelling sales pitch business report explaining in the Board of Directors of an organisation how will be developed the sales approach for a specific product or service. Students must justify its effectiveness according to key indicators of the market and apply theories learned in class.

Communication in the business setting is persuasive in nature. You are constantly selling yourself, your ideas, or products and services to customers. The goal of this assignment is to help you develop the skills necessary to prepare and deliver a compelling sales pitch. To achieve this goal, you are required to pitch a product or a

service of your choice. The goal is to persuade your audience to “buy” your idea.

Keep in mind that the pitch must be supported by solid analysis.

Elements to address by your pitch and grading distribution:

1. Attract the attention of the customer (15%)

You need to build a solid opening statement or headline.

2. Identify the customer’s problem (10%)

Clearly identify the complex set of needs and problems that the product/service can solve

3. Build Interest for the customer (10%)

You must be able to establish a relationship with the customer. Demonstrate clearly that your

product/service has the solution to the problem

4. Give a Testimony (15%)

Introduce benefits for the audience by showing how other customers have received the product/service.

5. Validate the possible objections (15%)

Accept the underlying concerns that the customers have about your product/service.




6. Create desire (15%)

Help the customer come to a decision about your product/service.

7. Move the customer to action (20%)

You must be proactive by asking for a decision for the customer. Given an incentive to act now.



Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:

• Submit one file(s) only.

• Required file format for main submission: PDF.

• Additional file format for additional deliverables: PDF.

• Additional file requirements: Type additional requirement info or “None”.

Other details:

• Font size 12

• Double-spaced

• Number of words: 1000

All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.



1. link the corporate, marketing and sales strategies in complex competitive environments.

2. critically evaluate and formulate the criteria by which to determine a potential or existing market and

articulate corresponding sales strategies.

3. examine the strengths and weaknesses of different sales channels in complex environments and

assess their competitive advantages to propose suitable sales strategies.

4. design an appropriate sales strategy constrained by procurement management in different industry


5. design and communicate a compelling sales pitch for any product or service and justify its

effectiveness according to key indicators of the market.

6. assess the performance of sales (targets and revenue) to review and assess its process and how it

can be optimized.



Rubric: written assignments

Criteria Accomplish ed (A)

Proficient (B)

Partially proficient (C)

Borderlin e (D)

Fail (F) Weight on assessme


Problem identificati on

The business issue has been correctly identified, with a competent and comprehensive explanation of key driving forces and considerations. Impact on

The student correctly identified the issue(s), taking into account a variety of environment al and contextual drivers. Key case

The student correctly identified the case (issues), considering obvious environmental/context ual drivers. There is evidence of analysis, but it lacks depth.

The student correctly identified the issue(s) but analysis was weak. An absence of context – the work is basically descriptive

The student failed to correctly identify the issue(s); analysis was incorrect or too superficial to be of use; information was





company operations has been correctly identified. Thorough analysis of the issue is presented.

information has been identified and analyzed.

with little analysis.

misinterprete d.

Information gathering

The student showed skill in gathering information and analyzing it for the purposes of filling the information gaps identified. Comprehensiv e and relevant.

Relevant information gaps were identified and additional relevant information was found to fill them. At least two different types of sources were used. The student demonstrate s coherent criteria for selecting information but needs greater depth.

The student correctly identified at least one information gap and found relevant information, but which was limited in scope. Some evidence of sound criteria for selecting information but not consistent throughout. Needs expansion.

An information gap was identified and the student found additional information to fill it. However, this was limited in scope. Weak criteria for the selection of necessary information.

Information was taken at face value with no questioning of its relevance or value. Gaps in the information were not identified or were incorrect.


Conclusion s

The student evaluated, analyzed, synthesized all information provided to create a perceptive set of conclusions to support the decisions and solutions.

The student evaluated, analyzed and synthesized to create a conclusion(s ) which support decisions and solutions.

The student reached conclusions, but they were limited and provided minimal direction for decision- making and solutions.

The conclusion was reasonable but lacked depth and would not be a basis for suitable strategy developme nt.

The student formed a conclusion, but it was not reasonable. It was either unjustified, incorrect or unrelated to the case in hand.


Solutions The student used problem solving techniques to make thoughtful, justified decisions about difficult and conflicting issues. A realistic solution was chosen which would provide maximum benefit to the company. Alternative solutions were explored and ruled out.

The student used problem solving techniques to make appropriate decisions about complex issues. Relevant questions were asked and answered. A realistic solution was chosen. Alternatives were identified, explored

The student used problem-solving techniques to make appropriate decisions about simpler issues. The solution has limited benefit but does show understanding of implications of the decision. Alternatives were mentioned but not explored.

The student used problem solving techniques to make decisions about simpler issues but disregarded more complex issues. Implications of the decision were not considered. Alternatives were not offered.

The student formed a conclusion, but it was not reasonable. It was either unjustified, incorrect or unrelated to the case in hand.





and ruled out.


Rubric: discussion forums

Criteria Accomplishe d (A)

Proficient (B) Partially proficient (C)

Borderline (D)

Fail (F) Weig ht on grade

Content knowledge

Discussion promotes sophisticated use of content. Posts demonstrate participants’ mastery of content knowledge. This is evidenced by extensive use of concepts and terminology across most or all posts/threads. Examples depict understanding of concepts and are clear and accurate. Posts engage concepts critically.

Discussion promotes basic use of content. Posts demonstrate participants’ adequate understanding of content knowledge. This is evidenced by use of concepts and terminology across some posts/threads. Examples depict understanding of concepts and are clear and accurate.

Discussion promotes uncertain or misguided use of concepts. Posts demonstrate participants have not fully grasped content knowledge. This is evidenced with only some use of concepts and terminology across posts/threads. Examples are correct with some details.

Discussion promotes use of content that lacks coherence. Posts demonstrate limited understanding of content knowledge. This is evidenced with little or no use of concepts and terminology across posts/threads. Examples are correct with few details

Discussion does not promote basic use of content. Posts do not demonstrate participants’ adequate understanding of content knowledge. Examples do not depict understanding of concepts and are unclear and inaccurate.


Connection Posts connect to the assignment/previo us posts by addressing most or all its components and linking them to course material or topics learned. Posts draw insightful links between course content and professional practice, with a detailed explanation of participants’ own professional practice.

Posts connect to the assignment/previo us posts by addressing some of its components. Relevant course topics are mentioned with connections to course material or topics learned with some details/elaboration . Posts draw links between course content and participants’ own professional practice, with some elaboration still needed.

Posts do not connect to the assignment/previo us posts and address few components of the assignment/previo us post. Relevant course topics are mentioned with very few connections to course material or topics learned, or with no details or elaboration. The participants rarely or never mention their own professional practice.

Posts make only minimal reference to the assignment/previo us posts and address hardly any components of the assignment/previo us post. Relevant course topics are mentioned with very limited connections to course material or topics learned, or with minimal details or elaboration. Participants’ professional practice is not mentioned.

Posts do not connect to the assignment/previo us posts by not addressing of its components. Relevant course topics are not mentioned with connections to course material or topics learned with some details/elaboration . Posts do not draw links between course content and participants’ own professional practice, with no elaboration.


Collaborati on

Discussion across the posts serves to build new ideas or stimulate further insight.

Posts mostly point to areas of agreement or disagreement and asking clarification questions about previous posts.

Posts are disjointed.

Little attempt is made to respond to previous comments and/or discussion questions.

Posts do not point to areas of agreement or disagreement and do not ask clarification questions about previous posts.


Timeliness Participants show a lot of initiative by posting replies or comments within days. Participants invite peer responses and engage in meaningful interaction in the

Participants show some initiative by posting replies or comments within one week. Participants invite responses from classmates. Discussion ends by a deadline.

Participants show little initiative by posting replies or comments after more than one week. Participants suggest few ideas that encourage responses. Discussion

Participants show no initiative by posting replies or comments after more than one week. Participants suggest no ideas that encourage responses. Discussion

Participants do not show any initiative by not posting replies or comments within one week. Participants do not invite responses from classmates.





discussions. Discussion ends by a deadline (e.g. end of that module).

among participants begins late or not at all (e.g. instructor must prompt them when the module is over).

among participants is very limited.

Discussion does not end by a deadline.

Convention s

Overall, participants follow online conventions, extend courtesy towards fellow participants by being respectful, polite and adopting a positive tone in posts. Participants compliment and provide constructive feedback to previous posts.

Overall, participants follow online conventions, extend courtesy towards fellow participants by being respectful, polite and adopting a positive tone in posts.

Overall, participants do not always follow online conventions and occasionally do not extend courtesy towards fellow participants, make curt responses or use a slightly critical tone in posts. Participants sometimes do not acknowledge previous posts.

Overall, participants sometimes follow online conventions and at times lack courtesy towards fellow participants, make curt responses or use an overly critical tone in posts. Participants often do not acknowledge previous posts.

Overall, participants do not follow online conventions, lack courtesy towards fellow participants by being disrespectful, impolite and adopt a negative tone in posts. Participants fail to acknowledge previous posts.




If required, please add further details of your assessment here (e.g., case study, list of questions, etc.).


Ready To Get Started

The Exertio is a Premium WordPress Theme, you can create your own market place website using this theme. It allows you to get a commission for hiring a freelancer or for each service sold.