- Download the data file “Chapter 4Diversity CASE Group level data”.
- We are interested in understanding whether the following diversity-related metrics:
- proportion of male staff
- proportion of BAME staff
differ between teams that 1) have at least one female team lead, and 2) have no female lead. Please perform data analysis and present your takeaway message(s) from the analysis.
- We know that diversity levels tend to be much higher in London teams than teams outside London. Take into account this knowledge, will your analysis and takeaway message(s) change?
Submission Guidelines
- Please feel free to use any statistical analysis software.
- The submitted file should be a report summarizing:
- the analysis you did,
- why this analysis addresses the questions of interest,
- your findings from the analysis, and
- any statistical evidence (e.g., t-statistic, p-value, estimates and standard errors for regression coefficients) supporting your findings.
There is no need to include the steps/script/code you ran on any statistical software or any screenshot of the software outputs.
- Please submit your answer as a PDF file. There is no need to include this page or repeat the instructions in your submitted file.
When performing an independent-samples t-test in SPSS, the “Define Groups” dialog has an option of specifying a “Cut point”. Here is its definition according to the SPSS manual:
Cut point – Enter a number that splits the values of the grouping variable into two sets. All cases with values that are less than the cut point form one group, and cases with values that are greater than or equal to the cut point form the other group.
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