the competitive world of business

Claudia Pena

September 30, 2023


Thank You Letter

“Good manners will open doors where the best education cannot.”  Charles Thomas

How many times have you heard it?  It’s the little things that count.  Nowhere does this hold more truth and power than in the competitive world of business.  Some of the assignments in this class are to write business letters–Thank you; apology; sympathy; or congratulations.  You may never be “asked” to write these letters as part of your job.  But taking the opportunity to write these letters will pay off in a big way.  I promise you, it will add to your professionalism and set you apart as a polished and practiced professional.  These are the little niceties and social amenities that can mean the difference between simply existing and gaining the edge so necessary for success in today’s fiercely competitive business environment.


Write a Thank you letter to the Cochise College Scholarship Committee thanking them for your scholarship.  Use correct business formatting–date, salutation, body, complimentary closing; and your name (Claudia Pena)

Basic parts of a business letter:

1.  date

2.  inside address

3.  salutation

4.  body of letter

5.  complimentary closing

6.  signature block

See the Appendix at the end of your textbook for proper, business formats:


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