Each of the terms listed below relate to ethics—either a theory or a concept. You are to prepare a definitive research writing submitted in an attached Word document file that explains the concepts, applies them to Warner case studies, and finally analyzes each of the concepts. The following information should be at the top of all your submitted files.
Exercise Number (2.1, 2.2 etc.)
Exercise Theory Name
Theory Description: The descriptions of the theories should be such that anyone would be able to read and understand the concepts. This part should have references. See below for instructions.
Theory Application: The theory applications are to be applications of the theories to the case studies in the Warner text. The case numbers for the applications are identified below.
Theory Analysis: The theory analysis is a critical analysis of the theory comparing likes/dislikes, weaknesses/strengths, pros/cons of the theories as you interpret them from your research.
The theory description portion especially should be a documented research description with references. The format for the references will be references-cited format. Within the body of the text the citation will be included with the author’s name, the year of the publication, and the page numbers in parentheses. Example: (Smith,1990, 29-33). If there is no page number, use n.p. A reference list will then be included at the end of the paper with a complete bibliographic reference which will include the author’s name, the title of the publication, the year of the publication, and the place of the publication. If it is a journal article, the page numbers will be included also. For online references you will need to include the URL address. The reader should be able to replicate your research for further information on the topic. Remember to include Frankena references as you use them in your papers but you should also conduct other research on the theories. There is a wealth of information on ethical theories and you should find references that add the most to your understanding of the theories. Each theory description is worth 10 points and should be no more than two typical typed pages. (This is not about the number of words but rather the understanding of the words so the “pages” may be double or single spaced.) Since this assignment is submitted in parts it can be submitted singularly, in multiples, and/or included with any of exercises 1, and 3-6. One point will be deducted for each DAY late the report is not submitted. All of Exercise 2 has a value of 100 points.
11:00 p.m. CST
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