2024/3/20 18:23 Trade and Globalization
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Trade and Globalization
Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
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Your assignment will be a short write-up on your takeaways and reflections on the lecture and content.
Theme: why and how we trade, past, present, and your future.
Richard Baldwin’s TEDx Talk (watch this first — the “pro”): Link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHBoxRdd08o)
Adrian Wooldridge TEDx Talk (watch this second — the “con”): Link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agjGFwpTFaM)
Discussion on Trade and Globalization. Take some notes as you watch the two videos.
A brief review of Ricardo’s fundamental trade theory: I will use slides for this, nothing to read.
Further short reading (Baldwin) on globalization (optional, but highly recommended):
Blog : Link (https://voxeu.org/content/long-view-globalisation-short-part-1-5)
I do not believe he finished this series of blogs; instead, he focused on publishing his last book.
I will discuss these slides from Richard Baldwin: Baldwin Great Convergence slides (for posting).pdf (https://utah.instructure.com/courses/930430/files/160029441?wrap=1) (https://utah.instructure.com/courses/930430/files/160029441/download?download_frd=1)
More on trade theory. Depending on time, I may discuss this; otherwise, more background for you. (https://utah.instructure.com/courses/930430/files/160029440?wrap=1) (https://utah.instructure.com/courses/930430/files/160029440/download?download_frd=1)
2024/3/20 18:23 Trade and Globalization
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