Your executive director has tasked you with conducting some preliminary research on an emerging and perhaps even controversial topic in your field.


Your executive director has tasked you with conducting some preliminary research on an emerging and perhaps even controversial topic in your field. These findings will be organized for discussion at the next board of directors meeting in order to assess whether or not funding should be allocated for further study. You received little direction on what types of sources are expected, so you decide to begin the project by evaluating a variety of resources to determine how best to inform your project.


Choose a topic on a newer or emerging topic in your field of study.

  • Use the Rasmussen library databases to locate a minimum of five peer-reviewed, scholarly articles, published in the past five years, on this topic.
  • Use a general search engine to locate a minimum of five non-scholarly sources, published within the last three years, on this topic.
  • Scrutinize all ten sources and compile your findings into the matrix below.
  • Submit the matrix as a single document.
  • Include a references page that lists all ten sources.


NOTE – Be sure the matrix is in APA format (including title page, font, headings) and contains proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

  • attachment


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